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Alvin Bernard Murphy was an American convicted criminal and zombie virus vaccine experimentee of the 21st century.

Weapons and Abilities[]


  • Sword Cane:[1] Murphy grew proficient with a sword cane during Roberta Warren's search for the Black Rainbow.

Post-Vaccination Powers[]

  • Mind Control: Murphy was able to telepathically control the minds of zombies and blends.
  • Blend Creation: Murphy could turn humans into blends via his infectious bite.
  • Consumptive Learning: Murphy could gain the knowledge of others through eating their brains.
  • Enhanced Strength: Murphy had a higher strength level than the average human.
  • Telepathy: Murphy had varying levels of ability to communicate telepathically with the undead.


Behind the Scenes[]



  1. Warren's judgment becomes suspect on a Z Nation that questions trust - Alex McLevy - 20 October 2017 - The A. V. Club - Retrieved 9 January 2023
  2. Z Nation - IMDB - Retrieved 9 January 2023
  3. Keith Allan - IMDB - Retrieved 9 January 2023