Canada is a North American country. It has ten provinces and three territories, and it extends from the Atlantic to Pacific coasts. It borders on the United States. Canada's capital is Ottawa, and its three largest metropolitan areas are Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver. It is the second largest country in area in the world, after Russia.
Phil Evans and Uncle Prudent are flown above the countryside in the Albatross, the airship of Robur's design, passing Quebec City, Montreal, and Ottawa's Parliament Hill.[1]
The Challenge from Beyond, authors C. L. Moore, Abraham Merritt, H. P. Lovecraft, Robert E. Howard, and Frank Belknap Long
University student George Campbell was vacationing in the Canadian forest in August when he stumbled across an unusual cube containing the Eltdown Shards. It turns out the cube was sent by a race of alien worms from the planet Yakub, of another universe, and that it was meant to be discovered by intelligent life to allow for mental transference. The mind of the Yakubian scientist Tothe is transferred to Campbell's body; unable to resist the dark and savage impulses of man, it drowns itself in a lake, where it is later found by a trapper.[2]
The Shadow Magazine, "The North Woods Mystery", Walter B. Gibson
While solving a murder case in New York City's Chinatown, The Shadow unveils a connection to the Hudson's Bay Company post at Lake Nimiskiming, near Wapiti Junction, and travels into the Canadian north woods to solve a counterfeiting mystery.[3]
Red Dawn
The Soviet forces invading the United States cross the Bering Strait, descend through Alaska, and are engaged in a massive firefight in the Canadian Rockies.[4]
NUMA Special Assignments Team leader Kurt Austin and Joe Zavala travel to a fish farm in northern Quebec, to stop a plot by McGill University professor Dr. Frederick "Toonook" Barker, head of Oceanus, from unleashing frankenfish in a plot to take over the world.[5]
A Girl Who Brought Down the World, author Vivian Gee
President Christopher Winnfield Vega nukes Canada.[6]
The Once-Evil Empire of Canada
You're a Dirty Rotten Bastard
In a take on "A Christmas Carol", Roger takes the Nostalgia Critic on a tour of what his friends lives would be like without him. Angry Joe is revealed to have become President, and decides to destroy Canada for not getting rid of Quebec.[7]
Phelous is later mentioned to be among the missing.
Z Nation, episode "Crisis of Faith"
Operation Bitemark arrive at the US-Canadian Border and are beset by zombie Mounties, the undead Bob and Doug McKenzie, and the shambling remains of Team Canada. The combined assault is enough to force them back over the border and trap them inside a church for several hours.[8]
Brothers Deacon (Marshall Williams) and Jesse (Leo Fafard) are charged with crossing the border from North Dakota to Saskatchewan to pick up a package, while having to contend with cannibalistic mutants, residents of the SuperGrid, a large swath of land purchased from the United States government by the Russian corporation Sino-Gazam. The desolate Saskatchewan countryside is ruled by the One-Eyed Jack. (Shawn Asmundson)[9]