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Popular Culture

Sir Charles Tupper (2 July 1821 - 30 October 1915) was a Canadian politician and father of Confederation who, as premier, led the colony of Nova Scotia into Confederation. Following the passage of the British North America Act, 1867, Tupper served in multiple cabinet posts in Sir John A. Macdonald's government, before being appointed Canadian High Commissioner to the United Kingdom from 1883 to 1895. With the failure of Mackenzie Bowell's government to resolve the Manitoba Schools Question, Tupper was invited to return to federal politics and the government was dissolved for an election prior to his being sworn in. Tupper was defeated by Sir Wilfrid Laurier's Liberals.

Tupper served as leader of the opposition from 1896 until 1900, resigning from the leadership of the Conservative Party after losing his own seat. Robert Borden was subsequently chosen to lead the party.

Popular Culture[]



The following list is of explicit appearances of Sir Charles Tupper.

Year Name Appearance Notes
1888 Sir Charles Tupper
  • Sir John and Sir Charles, or The Secrets of the Syndicate
1956 Charles Tupper
  • Folio, episode "The Case of Posterity Versus Joseph Howe"
1961 Charles Tupper
  • Charles Tupper: The Big Man
1974 Sir John A. Macdonald
1977 Sir John A. Macdonald
  • Sherlock Holmes and the Adventure of the Annexationist Conspiracy, authors Jack Batten & Michael Bliss


The following list is of parodies of Charles Tupper, which may or may not be readily apparent.

Year Name Appearance Notes
1876 Clean-Hands
  • A satirical work transplanting the struggles of the then-modern Canada with attaining free trade with the United States to two ancient Native American nations.
  • Tupper was satirised as "Wild Wind", Toeree Medicine Man, making light of his prior career as a physician.
  • Sir John A. Macdonald is parodied as Clean-Hands, George Brown is parodied as "Big-Push", and Alexander Mackenzie as "Gritty Sand".


The following list is of various mentions of Charles Tupper in fiction and popular culture.

Year Name Appearance Notes
1912 Tupper


See Charles Tupper/Quotes.



  1. John and Sir Charles - Canadian Shakespeares - Retrieved 23 April 2021
  2. The Case of Posterity Versus Joseph Howe - IMDB
  3. William Needles - IMDB
  4. James Doohan - IMDB
  5. John Drainie - IMDB
  6. Robert Christie - IMDB
  7. Charles Tupper: The Big Man - IMDB - Retrieved 23 April 2021
  8. William Needles - IMDB - Retrieved 23 April 2021
  9. Robert Christie - IMDB - Retrieved 23 April 2021
  10. Budd Knapp - IMDB - Retrieved 23 April 2021
  11. Eric Heath - IMDB - Retrieved 23 April 2021
  12. Douglas Ney - IMDB - Retrieved 23 April 2021
  13. Ted Follows - IMDB - Retrieved 23 April 2021
  14. William Hutt - IMDB - Retrieved 23 April 2021
  15. Claude Préfontaine - IMDB - Retrieved 23 April 2021
  16. Gillie Fenwick - IMDB - Retrieved 23 April 2021
  17. Gerard Parkes - IMDB - Retrieved 23 April 2021


           Heraldic mark of the Prime Minister of Canada Prime Ministers of Canada

19th century
Sir John A. Macdonald | Alexander Mackenzie | Sir John A. Macdonald | Sir John Abbott | Sir John Thompson | Sir Charles Tupper | Sir Wilfrid Laurier

20th century
Sir Wilfrid Laurier | Sir Robert Borden | Arthur Meighen | William Lyon Mackenzie King | Arthur Meighen | William Lyon Mackenzie King | R. B. Bennett | William Lyon Mackenzie King | Louis St. Laurent | John Diefenbaker | Lester B. Pearson | Pierre Elliott Trudeau | Joe Clark | Pierre Elliott Trudeau | John Turner | Brian Mulroney | Kim Campbell | Jean Chrétien

21st century
Jean Chrétien | Paul Martin | Stephen Harper | Justin Trudeau
