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Popular Culture

Chester Alan Arthur (5 October 1829 - 18 November 1886) was an American attorney and politician who served as the 21st President of the United States from 1881 to 1885. Previously the 20th vice president, he succeeded to the presidency upon the death of President James A. Garfield in September 1881, two months after Garfield was shot by an assassin.

Popular Culture[]



The following list is of explicit appearances of Chester A. Arthur.

Year Name Appearance Notes
1963 President Chester A. Arthur
  • Cattle King
  • Larry Gates portrays the President in this Western drama about a wealthy landowner trying to prevent cattle from running amok on his land.[1][2]
2001 Chester A. Arthur's Head
  • Futurama, episode "The Day the Earth Stood Stupid"
  • Chester A. Arthur's disembodied and preserved head was voiced by David Herman.[3][4]
  • George Washington's Head also appeared.
2014 Chester A. Arthur
  • How to Fight Presidents, author Daniel O'Brien
  • In this satirical history book, author Daniel O'Brien reveals the best method to beat President Arthur in a fight.
2016 Chester Arthur
  • American Experience, episode "Murder of a President"
  • Arthur is portrayed by Adam LeFevre in this drama about the assassination of James Garfield.[5][6]
  • Garfield was portrayed by Shuler Hensley,[7] Alexander Graham Bell was portrayed by Jay DeYonker,[8] and Charles Guiteau was portrayed by Will Janowitz.[9]


See Chester A. Arthur/Quotes.



  1. Cattle King - IMDB
  2. Larry Gates - IMDB
  3. The Day the Earth Stood Stupid - IMDB
  4. David Herman - IMDB
  5. Murder of a President - Full Cast & Crew - IMDB - Retrieved 2 October 2020
  6. Adam LeFevre - IMDB - Retrieved 2 October 2020
  7. Shuler Hensley - IMDB - Retrieved 2 October 2020
  8. Jay DeYonker - IMDB - Retrieved 2 October 2020
  9. Will Janowitz - IMDB - Retrieved 2 October 2020


           Seal of the President of the United States Presidents of the United States

18th century
George Washington | John Adams

19th century
John Adams | Thomas Jefferson | James Madison | James Monroe | John Quincy Adams | Andrew Jackson | Martin van Buren | William Henry Harrison | John Tyler | James K. Polk | Zachary Taylor | Millard Fillmore | Franklin Pierce | James Buchanan | Abraham Lincoln | Andrew Johnson | Ulysses S. Grant | Rutherford B. Hayes | James Garfield | Chester A. Arthur | Grover Cleveland | Benjamin Harrison | Grover Cleveland | William McKinley

20th century
William McKinley | Theodore Roosevelt | William Howard Taft | Woodrow Wilson | Warren G. Harding | Calvin Coolidge | Herbert Hoover | Franklin D. Roosevelt | Harry Truman | Dwight D. Eisenhower | John F. Kennedy | Lyndon B. Johnson | Richard Nixon | Gerald Ford | Jimmy Carter | Ronald Reagan | George H. W. Bush | Bill Clinton

21st century
Bill Clinton | George W. Bush | Barack Obama | Donald Trump | Joe Biden | Donald Trump
