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The Fourth Doctor was an incarnation of the Time Lord known as the Doctor. After assisting UNIT with an investigation into the disappearance of a disintegrator gun, the Doctor returned to his journeys through space and time alongside Sarah Jane Smith and Harry Sullivan. In their travels they encountered beings such as the Sontarans, Davros and the Daleks, the Cybermen, and the Zygons.

Weapons and Abilities[]

Inherent Abilities[]

  • Hypnosis: The Doctor was able to hypnotise individuals by placing his hands on their temples. (TV: Terror of the Zygons, The Hand of Fear)
  • Intelligence: The Doctor possessed a genius-level intellect, and possessed doctorates in nearly every field of study. (TV: Robot, et al)
  • Telepathy: The Doctor was able to read minds and transmit his thoughts, and was a capable telepathic combatant. (TV: The Brain of Morbius)


  • Hypnosis: The Doctor was able to hypnotise people by rhythmically moving a fob watch. (TV: The Ribos Operation)
  • Marksmanship: The Doctor was a skilled marksman. (TV: The Talons of Weng-Chiang, The Invasion of Time)
  • Swordsmanship: The Doctor was a skilled swordsman. (TV: The Masque of Mandragora, The Androids of Tara)


  • De-mat Gun: The Doctor briefly had access to this gun, which could erase individuals from ever having existed. (TV: The Invasion of Time)
  • Sonic Screwdriver: A device used to manipulate electronics, such as exploding mines, (TV: Robot) or by unlocking doors.
  • Electro-sword: An electrified sabre used by the denizens of Tara. (TV: The Androids of Tara)
  • The TARDIS: A time machine capable of traveling to any point in time and space. (TV: Robot, et al)


  • The Fourth Doctor was portrayed by English actor Tom Baker.[1][2]
  • Baker's incarnation has been held to have been the most popular and most memorable version of the character, and was considered a "figure of individualist rebellion against the conservative practices of the powers that be..."[3]



  1. Doctor Who - IMDB - Retrieved 24 December 2020
  2. Tom Baker - IMDB - Retrieved 24 December 2020
  3. American Science Fiction Film and Television - Lincoln Geraghty - Berg - Published 2009 - Page 66 - Retrieved 24 December 2020


           Doctor Who Hartnell logo Doctor Who

The Doctor
🠴 The First Doctor | The Second Doctor | The Third Doctor | The Fourth Doctor | The Fifth Doctor | The Sixth Doctor | The Seventh Doctor 🠶

Susan Foreman | Ian Chesterton | Barbara Wright | Vicki | Steven Taylor | Katarina | Sara Kingdom | Dodo Chaplet | Polly Wright | Ben Jackson | Jamie McCrimmon | Victoria Waterfield | Zoe Heriot | Liz Shaw | The Brigadier | Sergeant Benton | Jo Grant | Mike Yates | Sarah Jane Smith | Harry Sullivan | Leela | K-9 | Romana (I-II) | Adric | Nyssa | Tegan Jovanka | Vislor Turlough | Kamelion | Peri Brown | Mel Bush | Ace

Daleks | The Meddling Monk | Cybermen | The Great Intelligence | The Nestene Consciousness | The Master (The UNIT enemyThe Emaciated MasterTremas Master) | Davros | The Black Guardian | Sil | The Rani | The Valeyard

London | Flag of the United Kingdom United Kingdom | Earth | Skaro | Gallifrey

Episodes | Soundtrack | Sydney Newman
