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George Costanza
Vital statistics
Title Lord of the Idiots
Gender Male
Race Human
Faction His own
Status Active
Location New York City, New York

George Costanza, Lord of the Idiots, is a frequently down on his luck resident of the Sitcom Multiverse. If something can go wrong for him, it usually does.

This ranges from getting trapped in a dead end job, to being the first victim of a Zombie Apocalypse.

He was the good friend of Jerry Seinfeld, and with Cosmo Kramer and Elaine Benes. He was the son of Estelle and Frank Costanza.

He was the man who brought about the Summer of George.

In many multiverses, he was the employee of George Steinbrenner, and the New York Yankees.

At one point, Costanza took on the name "Colin O'Brien", when he realized that someone by the name of O'Brien had a limo waiting for him. Unfortunately, this was Donald O'Brien, head of the regional chapter of the Aryan Union.

