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Popular Culture

George Washington was the first President of the United States, serving from 1789 - 1797.

Popular Culture[]



The following list is of explicit appearances of George Washington.

Year Name Appearance Notes
1816 George Washington
  • A political satire. John Adams also appears, while Thomas Jefferson becomes Thomas the Magician, a malevolent Necromancer.
1861 General Washington
  • Washington is a posthumous character. The story is of a vision experienced by Washington, who related his experiences to character Anthony Sherman, who in turn spoke of his experience to the story's narrator.
1861 George Washington
  • General George McClellan receives warnings of Confederate war plans from Washington in his dreams.
1942 General George Washington
1943 General Washington
  • Quality Comics, Uncle Sam Quarterly Volume 1 #7
  • Uncle Sam gave Washington words of encouragement during the Valley Forge encampment.
1951 Colonel George Washington
  • When the Redskins Rode
  • George Washington is bogged down at Fort Necessity when he receives aid from the film's protagonist.
  • Portrayed by James Seay.[3][4]
2009 George Washington
  • George Washington
  • Washington is an apocalyptic figure of immense power in this song by Brad Neely.[5]
2009 George Washington
  • This Hour Has 22 Minutes, episode "?"
  • The ghost of George Washington gloats of his many monuments and memorials to John A. Macdonald, who had found out that his birthplace was being torn down in favour of a parking lot.
  • Portrayed by Gavin Crawford.
2010 George Washington
  • Dodge Challenger commercial
  • Washington and several other drivers scare off a band of redcoats with their cars.
2015 General George Washington
  • The Book of Negroes, episode "Episode One"
  • Washington is portrayed by Rick Roberts.[6][7]
  • Sir Guy Carleton is portrayed by David Christoffel in the same episode.[8]
2018 General George Washington
  • The Trial and Execution of the Traitor George Washington, author Charles Rosenberg
  • General Washington is kidnapped with the Revolutionary War in full swing and imprisoned in the Tower of London.[9]
2018 George Washington
  • The Last Sharknado: It's About Time
  • General Washington and Benjamin Franklin team with Fin Shepherd to prevent a Sharknado from destroying the Continental Army's fleet.
  • Played by Darrell Hammond.[10]


The following list is of various mentions of George Washington in fiction and popular culture.

Year Name Appearance Notes
1875 George Washington
  • In a draft treaty between the Great Duffy, Governor General of the Gallery, and His Exalted Majesty, Night Blooming Ceres, Monarch of the Moon, Emperor of the Starry Isles, Grand Controller of the Constellations, and Imperial Boss of the Great and Little Bears, Article XXI stipulates that any relatives, employees, or anyone with any connection to Washington should be immediately executed to prevent their gaining a monopoly on the railway.[11]
1892 George Washington
  • In The Year Ten Thousand, author William Harben
  • In the year 10,000 A.D., a 600 year old man relates to his young son a short summary of the prior 10,000 years of human history. He explains Washington's barbarous ways, though compares him favourably to Napoleon.[12]
  • Gladstone and Queen Victoria were also mentioned.
1908 George Washington
  • A map drawn up by Washington while he was still a surveyor is a MacGuffin in the book.
  • Sir John A. Macdonald is a supporting character; Sir Isaac Brock is mentioned.
1942 George Washington
  • George Washington Slept Here
  • A couple buy a home, believing it to have been a temporary respite for Washington during the Revolutionary War, though it is later uncovered that Benedict Arnold was the one who had staid there.
1946 George Washington
  • The Time of Their Lives
  • Character Horatio Prim possesses a letter of commendation from Washington.
1971 George Washington
  • Gold Key Comics, Star Trek Volume 1 #9, The Legacy of Lazarus
  • An android of Washington built by future historian Alexander Lazarus lived on the planet Gamma Alpha V when the planet was visited by the crew of the USS Enterprise. In the time since his creation, Washington had married Helen of Troy. After kidnapping Spock, Lazarus commanded the androids to turn against the Starfleet officers, leading to Washington punching James T. Kirk in the face.
  • Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, 45th President Anton York, Winston Churchill, Florence Nightingale, William Shakespeare, Elizabeth I, Henry VIII, Napoléon Bonaparte, Louis XVI, Adolf Hitler, Hermann Göring, Nero, Cleopatra, and Alexander the Great also appear.
1998 George Washington
  • Dexter's Laboratory, episode "Rushmore Rumble / A Boy and His Bug / You Vegetabelieve It!"
  • Two golem-like stone facsimiles of Washington and Abraham Lincoln are created by child geniuses Dexter and Mandark, and forced to fight.
  • Lincoln is voiced by Frank Welker,[13] and Washington by Maurice Lamarche.[14]
1998 George Washington
  • The Patriot
  • A painting of Washington appears above a fireplace. James Madison, Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Thomas Jefferson were also mentioned.
2004 George Washington
  • C.S.A.: The Confederate States of America
  • Washington is mentioned in the context of the Confederates believing they were fighting a second American Revolution.
2007 George Washington
  • Masters of Horror, episode "The Washingtonians"
  • A family discovers the centuries old secret of Washington's cannibalism, and a secret society founded in his honour seeks to suppress the truth.
2014 George
  • Markiplier's History Lessons: 4TH OF JULY
  • After a version of the Revolutionary War that left the Earth a charred hulk and killed every human that wasn't an American, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, "Billy", and Batman, ruling as kings in ivory towers, signed the Declaration of Independence.[15]
2017 George Washington
  • "George Washington" is used as a euphemism for male genitalia.
  • It subsequently became a running joke on the show.


See George Washington/Quotes.



  1. The Remarkable Andrew - IMDB - Retrieved 15 December 2021
  2. Montagu Love - IMDB - Retrieved 15 December 2021
  3. When the Redskins Rode - IMDB
  4. James Seay - IMDB
  5. George Washington - TheRealBradNeely
  6. The Book of Negroes - IMDB
  7. Rick Roberts - IMDB
  8. David Christoffel - IMDB
  9. The Trial and Execution of the Traitor George Washington -
  10. Darrell Hammond - IMDB
  11. This is likely a reference to the Pacific Scandal.
  12. IN THE YEAR TEN THOUSAND. - William Harben - Project Gutenberg - Retrieved 3 May 2022
  13. Rushmore Rumble/A Boy and His Bug/You Vegetabelieve It! - IMDB
  14. Maurice Lamarche - IMDB
  15. Markiplier's History Lessons: 4TH OF JULY


           Seal of the President of the United States Presidents of the United States

18th century
George Washington | John Adams

19th century
John Adams | Thomas Jefferson | James Madison | James Monroe | John Quincy Adams | Andrew Jackson | Martin van Buren | William Henry Harrison | John Tyler | James K. Polk | Zachary Taylor | Millard Fillmore | Franklin Pierce | James Buchanan | Abraham Lincoln | Andrew Johnson | Ulysses S. Grant | Rutherford B. Hayes | James Garfield | Chester A. Arthur | Grover Cleveland | Benjamin Harrison | Grover Cleveland | William McKinley

20th century
William McKinley | Theodore Roosevelt | William Howard Taft | Woodrow Wilson | Warren G. Harding | Calvin Coolidge | Herbert Hoover | Franklin D. Roosevelt | Harry Truman | Dwight D. Eisenhower | John F. Kennedy | Lyndon B. Johnson | Richard Nixon | Gerald Ford | Jimmy Carter | Ronald Reagan | George H. W. Bush | Bill Clinton

21st century
Bill Clinton | George W. Bush | Barack Obama | Donald Trump | Joe Biden | Donald Trump
