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Popular Culture

James Buchanan, Jr. (23 April 1791 – 1 June 1868) was an American lawyer and politician who served as the 15th President of the United States.

Popular Culture[]



The following list is of explicit appearances of James Buchanan.

Year Name Appearance Notes
2019 James Buchanan
  • Raising Buchanan



  1. Raising Buchanan - IMDB - Retrieved 5 October 2020
  2. René Auberjonois - IMDB - Retrieved 5 October 2020


           Seal of the President of the United States Presidents of the United States

18th century
George Washington | John Adams

19th century
John Adams | Thomas Jefferson | James Madison | James Monroe | John Quincy Adams | Andrew Jackson | Martin van Buren | William Henry Harrison | John Tyler | James K. Polk | Zachary Taylor | Millard Fillmore | Franklin Pierce | James Buchanan | Abraham Lincoln | Andrew Johnson | Ulysses S. Grant | Rutherford B. Hayes | James Garfield | Chester A. Arthur | Grover Cleveland | Benjamin Harrison | Grover Cleveland | William McKinley

20th century
William McKinley | Theodore Roosevelt | William Howard Taft | Woodrow Wilson | Warren G. Harding | Calvin Coolidge | Herbert Hoover | Franklin D. Roosevelt | Harry Truman | Dwight D. Eisenhower | John F. Kennedy | Lyndon B. Johnson | Richard Nixon | Gerald Ford | Jimmy Carter | Ronald Reagan | George H. W. Bush | Bill Clinton

21st century
Bill Clinton | George W. Bush | Barack Obama | Donald Trump | Joe Biden | Donald Trump
