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Popular Culture

Joe Clark (b. 5 June 1939) is a Canadian politician who served as the 16th Prime Minister of Canada, from 1979 - 1980.

Clark rose to the office as the leader of a minority government, but lost a non-confidence vote six months later. Clark lost the subsequent general election and served as Leader of the Official Opposition to Pierre Elliott Trudeau's Liberals, until he lost the Progressive Conservative leadership convention to Brian Mulroney.

After John Turner's general election loss, Clark served in Mulroney's cabinet as secretary of state for external affairs, where he led resistance against South Africa's Apartheid system.

Clark took back the reins of the Progressive Conservatives in 1998, and led it until 2003.

Popular Culture[]

Year Name Appearance Notes
1982 Joe Clark
  • SCTV, episode "Sammy Maudlin 23rd Anniversary / CBC with Jayne Eastwood"[1]
1983 Joe Clark
  • Common Problems
199?-200? Joe Clark
  • Royal Canadian Air Farce


The following list is of various mentions of Joe Clark in fiction and popular culture.

Year Name Appearance Notes
1981 The Prime Minister
  • Escape from Iran: The Canadian Caper


  • How We Lead: Canada in a Century of Change (2013)



  1. 1.0 1.1 Series 5 Cycle 4 - SCTV Guide
  2. Common Problems - IMDB - Retrieved 26 December 2020
  3. "Common Problems" student animation (16mm 1983) - unpopulararts - 5 December 2019 - YouTube - Retrieved 26 December 2020
  4. Gordon Pinsent - IMDB - Retrieved 12 October 2020


           Heraldic mark of the Prime Minister of Canada Prime Ministers of Canada

19th century
Sir John A. Macdonald | Alexander Mackenzie | Sir John A. Macdonald | Sir John Abbott | Sir John Thompson | Sir Charles Tupper | Sir Wilfrid Laurier

20th century
Sir Wilfrid Laurier | Sir Robert Borden | Arthur Meighen | William Lyon Mackenzie King | Arthur Meighen | William Lyon Mackenzie King | R. B. Bennett | William Lyon Mackenzie King | Louis St. Laurent | John Diefenbaker | Lester B. Pearson | Pierre Elliott Trudeau | Joe Clark | Pierre Elliott Trudeau | John Turner | Brian Mulroney | Kim Campbell | Jean Chrétien

21st century
Jean Chrétien | Paul Martin | Stephen Harper | Justin Trudeau
