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Popular Culture

John Diefenbaker (18 September 1895 - 16 August 1979) was a Canadian lawyer and politician who served as the 13th Prime Minister of Canada. He served from 1957-1963.

Popular Culture[]



Year Name Appearance Notes
1988 John Diefenbaker
  • Canada for Canadians
  • Portrayed by Terrence Slater.[1][2]
1997 John Diefenbaker
  • Driving Off the Map, author Sharon MacFarlane
  • A woman absconds with a limousine alongside the ghost of Diefenbaker.[3]
1997 John George Diefenbaker
  • The Arrow, CBC Television miniseries
2006 John Diefenbaker
  • Prairie Giant: The Tommy Douglas Story
2008 John Diefenbaker
  • The Mystery of the Moonlight Murder: An Early Adventure of John Diefenbaker, author Roderick Benns
  • Takes place during Diefenbaker's childhood.


Year Name Appearance Notes
1967 Moses Bulstrode
  • Bulstrode is a parody of Diefenbaker.[10]


Year Name Appearances Notes
1975 "Dief"
  • Dief Will be the Chief Again, single, Stringband
  • A song written about a return to office by Diefenbaker.
  • Diefenbaker himself said of first hearing it, "As a connoisseur of good music, I was simply delighted[11]," though he later cooled to the song, for reasons writer Bob Bossin never discovered.[12]
1994-1999 Diefenbaker
  • Due South
1995 John Diefenbaker
  • Doc Webster cites Diefenbaker as an example of an ugly person he'd met.
1999 Mr. Diefenbaker
  • Wayne & Shuster: The First Hundred Years
  • A clip show of various material performed by comedians Wayne & Shuster.
  • A sketch depicting a fictionalized version of the first meeting of Wayne and Shuster, Shuster's manager introduces Shuster as "the funniest man in Canada". Wayne then approaches Shuster and says, "It's an honour to meet you, Mr. Diefenbaker!"


See John Diefenbaker/Quotes.



  1. Canada for Canadians - IMDB
  2. Terrence Slater - IMDB
  3. DRIVING OFF THE MAP - Dundurn Press - Retrieved 17 November 2021
  4. The Arrow - IMDB
  5. Robert Haley - IMDB
  6. Michael Moriarty - IMDB
  7. Prairie Giant: The Tommy Douglas Story - IMDB
  8. Paul Gross - IMDB
  9. Andy Jones - IMDB
  10. Character Parts: Who's Really Who in CanLit - Brian Busby, Vintage Canada
  11. The Chief again - in song - CBC Radio - 1975-04-11
  12. Dief and Me - Bob Bossin's Old Folksinger's Home Page


           Heraldic mark of the Prime Minister of Canada Prime Ministers of Canada

19th century
Sir John A. Macdonald | Alexander Mackenzie | Sir John A. Macdonald | Sir John Abbott | Sir John Thompson | Sir Charles Tupper | Sir Wilfrid Laurier

20th century
Sir Wilfrid Laurier | Sir Robert Borden | Arthur Meighen | William Lyon Mackenzie King | Arthur Meighen | William Lyon Mackenzie King | R. B. Bennett | William Lyon Mackenzie King | Louis St. Laurent | John Diefenbaker | Lester B. Pearson | Pierre Elliott Trudeau | Joe Clark | Pierre Elliott Trudeau | John Turner | Brian Mulroney | Kim Campbell | Jean Chrétien

21st century
Jean Chrétien | Paul Martin | Stephen Harper | Justin Trudeau
