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Jeremiah "Jpw03" Woodward, more commonly referred to as JP, was a human from the Let's Player Multiverse, an associate of LordMinion777, and a member of the elusive group Dem Salty Bois.


Before DSB[]


 After Formation of DSB[]

The crew often played golf in their downtime, and one day, Pat sniped JP's golf ball from across the playing field, causing him to release a scream of pure rage which transported the entire team to an alternate time dimension. With JP still frozen out of disbelief, the four determined gamers puzzles their way through a series of distorted clocks. After an unknown amount of time, JP and Dem Salty Bois finally unlocked the last door to exit the time dimension. Unfortunately, they now found themselves on a raft in the middle of the Pacific ocean, surrounded by sharks.

The one uniting feature of Dem Salty Bois was their unstoppable rage, which they used to fuel perseverance. Together, the four lonely Let's Players worked to collect driftwood, plastic, and other building materials to survive in the ocean. JP often complained of the smallness of their living space, but as days turned into weeks and then months, the raft slowly transformed into an enormous ship, from which JP's screams worked perfectly as a makeshift foghorn. Now equipped with cannons, masts, and all the makings of a pirate ship, DSB sailed eastward towards their home, fighting any beast which dared to cross their path.

The four pioneers swiftly returned to the west coast and parted ways. On occasion, there is a reported sighting of JP either sailing the seas with Wade, or on another bizarre adventure. Not much is known about the current whereabouts of JP, besides these sightings. What is known for certain is that when together, JP, Pat, Gar, and Wade create a powerful energy that renders them almost unstoppable. The power of Dem Salty Bois is unrivaled by many, and their everlasting rage is promising of adventures to come.
