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Now, Buck, you yourself shall tell me the way through the cordon. A little toasting over hot coals may persuade you.

Killer Kane, to Buck Rogers

Major Coe "Killer" Kane was an American master criminal of the 25th century. He was known for his various exploits and schemes against the re-awakened 20th century hero Buck Rogers. After betraying the American Orgs in a bid to kill Rogers, Kane became an agent of the Mongols against the Federation.


Betrayal of the Orgs[]

Meeting Buck Rogers[]

Rogers and Kane duel - Buck Rogers - The Duel - 1 March 1929

Kane and Buck Rogers duel with weapons of their choice

You'll either keep away from Wilma or fight me!

Killer Kane, to Buck Rogers

Kane was stationed with the Columbus Orgzone when Buck Rogers carried the hurt Wilma Deering, his old sweetheart, into the outpost. Visiting Wilma in the hospital, Kane asked her how she had injured herself and who Rogers was. When both men were outside, Kane threatened Rogers to either leave her alone or to fight him. Rogers accepted.[1]

Both men were allowed to pick their own weapons; when Rogers arrived at the duelling ring with a rifle and bayonet, Kane dismissed it as a toy.[2] While Kane had arrived on-scene with a weapon of his own design, he was quickly defeated by Rogers' superior combat speed. Wilma arrived after Kane's defeat, and dismissed Rogers as a brute.[3] A spy within the Orgzone tipped off the Mongols that Deering was in the Org,[4] and she was subsequently kidnapped by men dispatched by the Mongol Viceroy of Chicago.[5]

Final Org Service[]

After Rogers made a nearly deadly trip through the Arizona desert, Rogers made a deal with Nunah of the Navajo Orgzone to infiltrate Los Angeles.[6] After Rogers managed to free Deering, she escaped from the city alongside Kane in his plane, leaving Rogers behind.[7] Kane had trailed Rogers all the way to the Orgzone, and had come to pick up Deering after Nuna and Lone Wolf had radiophoned news of her rescue.[8]

... I got Magee to outlaw that dirty Mongol spy, Rogers.

Killer Kane, to Wilma Deering

At Kane's urging,[9] Rogers was convicted by the Navajos as a traitor and a deserter and sentenced to become an outlaw.[10] Deering opted to become an outlaw herself to seek out Rogers.[11] When she travelled to the Navajo Orgzone in search of Rogers, Kane followed her. She rejected his romantic overtones.[12] Kane angrily mused to himself that he wouldn't let anyone else have Deering, giving her enough time to take off in a plane and fly away.[13] Kane could not immediately follow, as Nunah had sabotaged his plane. Kane, however, caught up with Deering, and rammed her plane with his own to knock her out of the cockpit and let her fall to her death.[14] Rogers managed to drope her a rope while she fell through the sky, and Kane flew in close pursuit of their plane.[15] After Rogers managed to evade Kane's attacks, Kane put out an alarm requesting aid. Planes from the Vancouver, Seattle, Columbus, and Oakland Orgzones were dispatched to intercept.[16] Rogers landed his plane to escape from the air cordon.[17]


I am Major Kane of the enemy forces. Make me a squadron commander and I will find the American Beauty for you. Wilma spurned me and I seek revenge. Hence forth I will be a Mongol.

Killer Kane, pledging allegiance to the Mongol Emperor.

Having been spurned by Deering, Kane travelled to Los Angeles,[18] where he met with the Mongol Emperor. After pledging his allegiance to the Emperor, Kane explained his motivations and declared that he would capture Deering for the oppressive tyrant. News of this reached MacGregor of the Toronto Orgzone.[19]

In service of the Red Mongols[]

Attack on the Outlaws[]

Killer Kane ducks and flees - Buck Rogers - MacGregor Takes Command - 11 May 1929

Killer Kane and his men retreat under the defensive weapons fire from the Outlaws.

Immediately after MacGregor's arrival, Mongol troops under Kane's command were already preparing for an attack. MacGregor and Rogers attempted to follow the Mongol airship in the former's rocket ship, but were immediately spotted; manned fighters were deployed.[20] After a brief skirmish and escape,[21] the Mongols returned to their carrier. Mongol infantrymen parachuted out of the carrier,[22] carrying death ray projectors to engage Buck Rogers' Outlaws on foot. The Outlaws had concealed themselves in the rocky terrain,[23] leaving the Mongol forces vulnerable. Kane, who had been leading them, was forced to duck and retreat alongside his men under a wave of weapons fire.[24] The Mongol cruiser was forced to land to retrieve Kane and his men, leaving it vulnerable to an attack by MacGregor's air forces. The cruiser was destroyed and the battle lost.[25] However, Kane had not yet been captured. Rogers' Outlaws deployed their Flying Cavalry in search of Kane,[26] spotting him and quickly capturing him. Kane asked for the dignity of a soldier's death, preferring to be shot rather than hanged, but MacGregor spared his life and ordered him to deliver a message to the Emperor.[27] Kane delivered the message to the Emperor, explaining the nature of the newly expanded Federation. With the knowledge that every Canadian Orgzone as well as every American Orgzone east of St. Louis had united into a single polity, the Emperor chose to temporarily accept the truce before promising the destruction of the Federation.[28]

Niagara Espionage[]

After gaining the trust of Om-Ka-Zoril of the Golden Dragons, Rogers and Deering returned to Niagara,[29] only to discover that a general had been killed, a colonel was missing, the Federation's treaty with the Navajo Orgzone had disappeared, and newly-designed weapons plans had been stolen. After they left MacGregor's office, an assassin attempted to kill the pair.[30] Rogers chased the Mongol assassin to a residential district of Buffalo,[31] where he was captured and delivered before the spy chief - Kane himself.[32] Needing a method of escaping the city now that their cover had been blown, Kane opted to torture Rogers by placing his feet in hot coals. Wong, secretly a member of the Golden Dragons,[33] was charged with placing the coals underneath Rogers' feet. Wong used the fearful screams of another spy to delay placing the coals beneath Rogers' feet,[34] before dropping the brazier on Kane's foot, feigning an accident.[35] Kane's continued attempt to torture Rogers forced Wong's hand, and he was exposed as a spy.[36] Kane defeated Wong before being throttled by Rogers,[37] and managed to re-capture Rogers with the help of his agents.[38] While Kane reassured police officers that nothing was the matter, Wong and Rogers quietly made their escape.[39] Rogers tried to alert the police,[40] but Kane and his spies had already swiftly fled from their apartment. Rogers and the police found Lanlu and two of Kane's men in the street,[41] but were forced to scatter in search of the rest. Rogers quickly caught up with Kane, but was distracted by a smoke bomb,[42] allowing Kane to make good his escape. Rogers returned to Deering's apartment and attempted to contact Om-Ka-Zoril in the hopes that he would have information about Kane, but the two of them were put under arrest by military police.[43] While both sides explained themselves to each other, Kane and Lanlu approached Deering's apartment.[44] Believing it to be a trap, Kane threw another smoke bomb and escaped, abandoning Lanlu.[45]

On the Run in Niagara[]

After getting permission from the Radio Censorship Bureau to contact Om-Ka-Zoril for information, Rogers began searching for Kane by searching for evidence of a false identity, starting by attempting to discover the whereabouts of "Jones", a synthetic food distributor.[46] While Rogers was coming up empty in his search for "Jones", Kane stole plans for a new super-robot.[47] By seducing the secretary of the manager of the Steel-Fingers Plant, Kane had learned of the of the completion of the plans. Unable to crack the safe, Kane instead stole a remote control box for an Iron Man robot.[48] The next morning, Kane used the robot to break through the safe and steal the plans,[49] easily fighting off[50] and outrunning the police.[51] While Kane studied the plans, Rogers used a duplicate control box built by the company to assert control over the robot, forcing it to attack Kane.[52] Kane could prevent the robot from attacking by using his own control box, but if he were to waver the robot would capture him.[53] Kane resisted the efforts of Rogers and the plant manager for over four hours,[54] but was eventually overcome by fatigue and captured. No longer able to resist, Kane was delivered to G.H.Q..[55]


After the Celestial Mogul recognised "Free America" and promised perpetual peace, putting an end to four centuries of colonial rule over North America, both the Mongol Emperor and Kane were freed, the latter by mistake. Kane planned to pledge allegiance to the Viceroy of Chicago.[56]

Free Agent[]

Synthetic Gold Plot[]

After the defeat of radio-controlled ships from another world, Kane sent a message in secret code to Deering, telling her to contact banker William Vandeer if she wished to see him.[57] It took Herby Swipe, demon reporter, to decode the note.[58] After following the note to Vandeer's office,[59] Buck, Swipe and Wilma met, however, Wyn Winters interceded.[60] Winters ordered Wilma to leave, and she complied before Vandeer entered his office.[61] After a brief argument between the four men, Kane entered the room.[62] Kane quickly fled the room with Winters on his tail. Rogers decided to follow Vandeer instead, believing it'd lead him to Kane more easily.[63] Rogers held onto Vandeer's flyabout while the banker flew to Kane's hideout.[64][65] Kane was waiting in a clearing for Vandeer's flyabout when one of his henchmen noticed a shape drop from the vehicle.[66] Hearing a crash in the bushes behind them, they attempted to find the source of the noise,[67] but were unsuccessful.[68] Kane and Vandeer argued over the appearance of Rogers and Winters in Vandeer's office,[69] before discussing their true plan: to create synthetic gold and create havoc in the world markets. Vandeer would offer a formula for the gold to the President at the latter's country home, taking money for it and departing, following which Kane would arrive and steal the formula from the President.[70] Kane bid adieu to Vandeer while the undetected Buck Rogers once again stowed away aboard Vandeer's flyabout.[71]

Killer Kane never played straight with anyone – It'll be easier for him to rob Vandeer than the government – He's a scientific crook too...

–Buck Rogers, predicting that Kane would betray William Vandeer[72]

The night of the handoff, Kane instead waited in a flyabout above Vandeer's home, planning to instead steal the formula from Vandeer. Kane rendered Vandeer unconscious from his flyabout, before sending a robot to retrieve the formula.[73] However, Buck Rogers had been waiting in the shadows and destroyed the robot.[74] Kane leapt from his flyabout to attack Rogers, but was knocked out with a single punch. Winters and Deering arrived on the scene,[75] but Rogers, fed up with the pair, captured them alongside the unconscious Kane and Vandeer. He tied up the three men with a rope and dangled them from the end of Kane's flyabout, and flew them all to the President's home, turning over the criminals and the formula.[76]

Weapons and Abilities[]


  • Smoke Bombs: A noxious-smelling gas,[42] dispersed from a smoke bomb.[43] They could temporarily incapacitate at least five people.[45]
  • Wicked Looking Weapon: A melee weapon that appeared to be a cross between a ranseur or a partisan, and a mace.[3]


  • Inertron Belt: Built with Inertron, a material with reverse weight,[77] wearers could leap for great distances to make quick getaways.[42]
  • Radio Controlled Grappler: A compact flying device with two arms that could retrieve objects and bring them to the controller.[73]
    • While Rogers compared its fighting strength to "a steel crab", he was able to easily render it non-functional by smashing its television control lens with the butt of his rocket pistol.[74]
  • Invisible Sleep Ray: A device that fired invisible rays that could swiftly render a person unconscious from a distance.[73]


  • Biplane: While serving with the Orgs,[78] Kane had possession of a plane that could fly higher than a jumping belt could not catch up to.[79]
  • Flyabout: A typical flying craft with room for two in the cockpit,[76] and a swift speed.[73]


Behind the Scenes[]

  • Kane was created by American writer Philip Francis Nowlan.[80] He first appeared in the strip published on 30 January 1929.[81] No counterpart to Kane appeared in "Armageddon 2419 A.D.".


  • Both a 3 and 3/4 inch and 12 inch figures were made of Henry Silva's interpretation of the character from "Buck Rogers in the 25th Century".[82][83] In addition, a miniature figure was included in HG Toys' "Galactic Play Set".[84]


  • Kane's nickname "Killer" is never expanded on. While in his earliest appearances, the nickname is rendered as "Killer", it is referred to without quotation marks in his third strip appearance,[85] before they make their final appearance in the subsequent strip.[86]


See also[]


  1. "Killer" Kane Objects - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 27 February 1929 - Buck Rogers, 2429 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 12 September 2023
  2. The Challenge Accepted - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 28 February 1929 - Buck Rogers, 2429 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 12 September 2023
  3. 3.0 3.1 The Duel - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 1 March 1929 - Buck Rogers, 2429 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 12 September 2023
  4. A Woman's Way - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 2 March 1929 - Buck Rogers, 2429 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 12 September 2023
  5. The Raiders Steal Wilma - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 4 March 1929 - Buck Rogers, 2429 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 12 September 2023
  6. Nunah's Reason - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 21 March 1929 - Buck Rogers, 2429 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 14 September 2023
  7. Killer Kane Arrives - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 3 April 1929 - Buck Rogers, 2429 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 14 September 2023
  8. Wilma Prefers Kane - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 4 April 1929 - Buck Rogers, 2429 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 14 September 2023
  9. Wilma Learns the Truth - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 9 April 1929 - Buck Rogers, 2429 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 14 September 2023
  10. A Fearful Judgement - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 6 April 1929 - Buck Rogers, 2429 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 14 September 2023
  11. Turn About is Fair Play - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 10 April 1929 - Buck Rogers, 2429 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 14 September 2023
  12. Killer Kane Reappears - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 15 April 1929 - Buck Rogers, 2429 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 14 September 2023
  13. Wilma's Escape - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 18 April 1929 - Buck Rogers, 2429 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 14 September 2023
  14. Nunah Delays Kane - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 19 April 1929 - Buck Rogers, 2429 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 14 September 2023
  15. Flight and Fight - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 20 April 1929 - Buck Rogers, 2429 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 14 September 2023
  16. The Outside Loop - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 22 April 1929 - Buck Rogers, 2429 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 14 September 2023
  17. The He-Man - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 23 April 1929 - Buck Rogers, 2429 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 14 September 2023
  18. A Message for the Emperor - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 4 May 1929 - Buck Rogers, 2429 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 14 September 2023
  19. Treachery! - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 6 May 1929 - Buck Rogers, 2429 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 14 September 2023
  20. Many in One - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 7 May 1929 - Buck Rogers, 2429 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 15 September 2023
  21. A Bold Stroke - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 8 May 1929 - Buck Rogers, 2429 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 15 September 2023
  22. Parachuting Infantry - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 9 May 1929 - Buck Rogers, 2429 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 15 September 2023
  23. The Death-Dealing Battalion - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 10 May 1929 - Buck Rogers, 2429 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 16 September 2023
  24. MacGregor Takes Command - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 11 May 1929 - Buck Rogers, 2429 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 16 September 2023
  25. A Friend Indeed - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 13 May 1929 - Buck Rogers, 2429 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 16 September 2023
  26. Flying Cavalry - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 14 May 1929 - Buck Rogers, 2429 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 16 September 2023
  27. Kane's Capture - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 15 May 1929 - Buck Rogers, 2429 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 16 September 2023
  28. Kane Meets the Emperor - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 16 May 1929 - Buck Rogers, 2429 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 16 September 2023
  29. Back to Niagara - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 26 June 1929 - Buck Rogers, 2429 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 16 September 2023
  30. Death's Messenger - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 27 June 1929 - Buck Rogers, 2429 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 16 September 2023
  31. Trails Spy to Lair - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 3 July 1929 - Buck Rogers, 2429 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 16 September 2023
  32. Bandit Chief Unmasks - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 5 July 1929 - Buck Rogers, 2429 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 16 September 2023
  33. Threatened With Fire - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 6 July 1929 - Buck Rogers, 2429 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 16 September 2023
  34. Scream Foils Torturers - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 8 July 1929 - Buck Rogers, 2429 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 16 September 2023
  35. Blunder "Raises" Kane - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 9 July 1929 - Buck Rogers, 2429 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 16 September 2023
  36. Attacks Own Chief - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 10 July 1929 - Buck Rogers, 2429 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 16 September 2023
  37. Block Buck's Escape - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 11 July 1929 - Buck Rogers, 2429 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 16 September 2023
  38. Police Muff Raid - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 12 July 1929 - Buck Rogers, 2429 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 16 September 2023
  39. Turns Prisoner Loose - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 13 July 1929 - Buck Rogers, 2429 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 16 September 2023
  40. Raid Bandit Lair - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 15 July 1929 - Buck Rogers, 2429 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 16 September 2023
  41. Find Spies Gone - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 16 July 1929 - Buck Rogers, 2429 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 16 September 2023
  42. 42.0 42.1 42.2 Vanishes in Smoke - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 17 July 1929 - Buck Rogers, 2429 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 16 September 2023
  43. 43.0 43.1 Code Causes Arrest - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 18 July 1929 - Buck Rogers, 2429 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 16 September 2023
  44. Lay Trap for Kane - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 19 July 1929 - Buck Rogers, 2429 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 16 September 2023
  45. 45.0 45.1 Kane Dodges Trap - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 20 July 1929 - Buck Rogers, 2429 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 16 September 2023
  46. Scent Proves False - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 22 July 1929 - Buck Rogers, 2429 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 16 September 2023
  47. Robot Plans Stolen - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 23 July 1929 - Buck Rogers, 2429 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 16 September 2023
  48. Girl Aids Burglar - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 25 July 1929 - Buck Rogers, 2429 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 16 September 2023
  49. Steel Fingers Steal - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 26 July 1929 - Buck Rogers, 2429 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 16 September 2023
  50. Robot Runs Amuck - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 27 July 1929 - Buck Rogers, 2429 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 16 September 2023
  51. Robot Makes Get-Away - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 29 July 1929 - Buck Rogers, 2429 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 16 September 2023
  52. Controls Lost Robot - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 30 July 1929 - Buck Rogers, 2429 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 16 September 2023
  53. Wrestles by Radio - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 31 July 1929 - Buck Rogers, 2429 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 16 September 2023
  54. Sleep Beats Kane - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 1 August 1929 - Buck Rogers, 2429 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 16 September 2023
  55. Robot Nabs Spy Chief- Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 2 August 1929 - Buck Rogers, 2429 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 16 September 2023
  56. Peace Pact Thrills Nation - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 25 December 1929 - Buck Rogers, 2429 A.D. - The Boston Herald - Retrieved 16 September 2023
  57. The Secret Code - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 22 September 1930 - Buck Rogers, 2430 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 17 September 2023
  58. Killer Kane Rises From Past - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 24 October 1930 - Buck Rogers, 2430 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 17 September 2023
  59. A Bright Idea - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 21 November 1930 - Buck Rogers, 2430 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 17 September 2023
  60. Winters Takes a Hand - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 22 November 1930 - Buck Rogers, 2430 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 17 September 2023
  61. Banker Demands Explanation - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 25 November 1930 - Buck Rogers, 2430 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 17 September 2023
  62. Killer Kane Appears - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 26 November 1930 - Buck Rogers, 2430 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 17 September 2023
  63. Beats Strategic Retreat - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 26 November 1930 - Buck Rogers, 2430 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 17 September 2023
  64. Trails Fat Banker - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 28 November 1930 - Buck Rogers, 2430 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 17 September 2023
  65. D'—Down into the Night - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 29 November 1930 - Buck Rogers, 2430 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 17 September 2023
  66. Danger Waits Below - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 1 December 1930 - Buck Rogers, 2430 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 17 September 2023
  67. Makes Noisy Landing - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 2 December 1930 - Buck Rogers, 2430 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 17 September 2023
  68. Stalked by Thugs - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 3 December 1930 - Buck Rogers, 2430 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 17 September 2023
  69. Gains Listening Post - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 4 December 1930 - Buck Rogers, 2430 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 17 September 2023
  70. Overhears Plot - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 5 December 1930 - Buck Rogers, 2430 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 17 September 2023
  71. Hitch-Hikes Back Again - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 6 December 1930 - Buck Rogers, 2430 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 17 September 2023
  72. Seeks Way to Foil Kane - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 9 December 1930 - Buck Rogers, 2430 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 17 September 2023
  73. 73.0 73.1 73.2 73.3 Killer Kane Strikes - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 10 December 1930 - Buck Rogers, 2430 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 17 September 2023
  74. 74.0 74.1 Fights Flying Steel Crab - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 11 December 1930 - Buck Rogers, 2430 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 17 September 2023
  75. K. K. Gets K. O. - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 12 December 1930 - Buck Rogers, 2430 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 17 September 2023
  76. 76.0 76.1 A. D.—Delivers the Goods - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 13 December 1930 - Buck Rogers, 2430 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 17 September 2023
  77. Falling Upwards - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 6 February 1929 - Buck Rogers, 2429 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 16 September 2023
  78. Killer Kane Arrives - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 4 April 1929 - Buck Rogers, 2429 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 12 September 2023
  79. Wilma Prefers Kane - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 4 April 1929 - Buck Rogers, 2429 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 12 September 2023
  80. Buck Rogers: George Clooney to Exec Produce, Possibly Star in Legendary Series - Jim Vejvoda - 28 January 2021 - IGN - Retrieved 12 September 2023
  81. The Encyclopedia of Super Villains - Jeff Rovin - Facts on File Publications - Published 1987 - Page 175 - Retrieved 12 September 2023
  82. BUCK ROGERS MEGO - Action Figure Archive - Retrieved 28 February 2024
  83. Buck Rogers IN THE 25th CENTURY - - Retrieved 28 February 2024
  84. 25th Century Toys, Circa 1979: Remembering Buck Rogers Collectibles - John Kenneth Muir - 8 December 2022 - Flashbak - Retrieved 28 February 2024
  85. The Duel - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 1 March 1929 - Buck Rogers, 2429 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 15 September 2023
  86. A Woman's Way - Philip Nowlan & Richard Calkins - 2 March 1929 - Buck Rogers, 2429 A.D. - Worcester Evening Gazette - Retrieved 15 September 2023