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Popular Culture

Richard Nixon was an American politician and the 37th President of the United States.

Prominent Variants[]

  • The Richard Nixon of the Family Guy Multiverse.
  • A variant of Nixon existed in the Marvel Multiverse.
  • A variant of Nixon existed in the Radioactive Man Multiverse, and was one of Radioactive Man's chief foes.
  • A variant of Richard Nixon existed in the Simpsons Multiverse, one variant of him earning an honorary degree from Springfield A&M, while another served on the Jury of the Damned.
  • There was a variant of Nixon, who stunned extraterrestrials in the solar system, as they found it impossible for him to have been President.

Popular Culture[]



Year Name Appearance Notes
1995 Richard Nixon
  • Kissinger and Nixon
  • Portrayed by Beau Bridges.[1][2]
1995 Richard Nixon
  • Nixon
1999 - 2013 Richard Nixon's head
  • Futurama
  • The disembodied head of Richard Nixon serves as President of Earth. Voiced by Billy West.[5]
2009 Richard Nixon
  • Watchmen
  • Portrayed by Robert Wisden.[6][7]
2011 President Nixon
  • Transformers: Dark of the Moon
  • Portrayed by John Tobin.[8][9]
2013 Richard Nixon
  • Richard Nixon fighting a Saber Tooth Tiger, artist Jason Heuser
  • Richard Nixon's first time travel experiment encountered a malfunction, stranding him in the ice age and forcing him to fend for his life against a sabertooth tiger.[10]


Year Name Appearance Notes
1975 Richard, King of the Kingdom of Grand Rapids
  • Marvel Comics, "Iron Man Vol 1 #80", Mike Friedrich, Steve Englehart
  • Not referenced by name, solely as a disgraced former monarch replaced by King Jerald.[11]
1980 Richard Millnest Duxon
  • Marvel Comics, "Howard the Duck Vol 2 #6", Bill Mantlo & Michael Golden
  • A duck counterpart to Richard Nixon. Title character Howard the Duck didn't much care for him.


Year Name Appearance Notes
2004 Richard Nixon
  • C.S.A.: The Confederate States of America
  • Vice President Nixon of the Democratic Party loses the election to Republican John F. Kennedy in 1960.
2004 Richard Milhous Nixon
  • Very Bad Deaths
  • Character Russell Walker refers to him derogatorily as "First Crook".
  • Walker also disdainfully mentions Lyndon Johnson.


  1. Kissinger and Nixon - IMDB - Retrieved 2 October 2020
  2. Beau Bridges - IMDB - Retrieved 2 October 2020
  3. Nixon - IMDB - Retrieved 2 October 2020
  4. Anthony Hopkins - IMDB - Retrieved 2 October 2020
  5. Billy West - IMDB - Retrieved 2 October 2020
  6. Watchmen - Full Cast & Crew - IMDB - Retrieved 2 October 2020
  7. Robert Wisden - IMDB - Retrieved 2 October 2020
  8. Transformers: Dark of the Moon - Full Cast & Crew - IMDB - Retrieved 2 October 2020
  9. John Tobin - IMDB - Retrieved 2 October 2020
  10. Richard Nixon fighting a Saber Tooth Tiger - SharpWriter - DeviantArt
  11. Fragmented America - Marvunapp


           Seal of the President of the United States Presidents of the United States

18th century
George Washington | John Adams

19th century
John Adams | Thomas Jefferson | James Madison | James Monroe | John Quincy Adams | Andrew Jackson | Martin van Buren | William Henry Harrison | John Tyler | James K. Polk | Zachary Taylor | Millard Fillmore | Franklin Pierce | James Buchanan | Abraham Lincoln | Andrew Johnson | Ulysses S. Grant | Rutherford B. Hayes | James Garfield | Chester A. Arthur | Grover Cleveland | Benjamin Harrison | Grover Cleveland | William McKinley

20th century
William McKinley | Theodore Roosevelt | William Howard Taft | Woodrow Wilson | Warren G. Harding | Calvin Coolidge | Herbert Hoover | Franklin D. Roosevelt | Harry Truman | Dwight D. Eisenhower | John F. Kennedy | Lyndon B. Johnson | Richard Nixon | Gerald Ford | Jimmy Carter | Ronald Reagan | George H. W. Bush | Bill Clinton

21st century
Bill Clinton | George W. Bush | Barack Obama | Donald Trump | Joe Biden | Donald Trump
