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Originally posted on 4chan's /x/ board on 16 February 2007 by user "OP". Pictures were included with several posts, but they have been lost.

"2007-02-16 12:40"[]

Alright, just let me preface this by saying if you want to read my story, read it; otherwise just leave it alone. This is somewhat personal to me so, yeah... Now... this story happened not more than about a couple of months ago. I had just gotten back home from university for winter break, on a night flight. It was a little past midnight when I finally made it home. I was excited to see my family, especially my pet dog who I am fond of. This was the first time being away from home for so long, and I thought my dog might have thought I was dead or something... That thought always killed me. I got the dog as a Christmas present when I was 10 or so, and I'm 19 now, so my dog is really like a family member to me. For the above reasons, when I entered my house I expected my dog to greet me enthusiastically as many dogs do. However, nothing of that sort happened. I thought "Oh well, it's late after all." The lights were all out and everyone was asleep I suppose; the dog sleeps in a kennel in my little brother's room, so in retrospect it wasn't all that odd I guess. Finally, I gathered up my stuff and entered my house. I started heading toward my room, but I noticed something down the hallway. It looked unfamiliar at first, but after a moment of looking at it I could tell it was my dog; it was just standing at the end of the hall looking at me. (continued in a moment, also picture included is of my dog when we first got it, it was much bigger at the time of this incident)

"2007-02-16 12:52"[]

I guess it's worth noting that I have never felt threatened by or scared of my dog before that particular moment. I nearly shat my pants, it just looked monstrously ominous standing there in that dark hallway. Nevertheless, I approached it, calling its name out. I closed in so that only about a yard separated us, but it suddenly dashed away. I looked up to where it was dashing to; it was heading toward the back door, which was wide open. I was pretty scared at that moment, but still I loved my dog and I've always had a phobia about it running away, so I chased after it as fast as I could manage. It was too late, though, it had already managed to escape to my backyard. My backyard opens up into a forest, so this fact compounded my fear. Again, I just thought about my dog and was compelled to keep after it. I had lost sight of it completely but even so I walked around my backyard and the adjacent areas for about 20 minutes. It was the crappiest feeling; I felt sad for not knowing where my dog was, but I was still scared shitless, so much so I was afraid to venture out into the deeper part of the "backyard."

"2007-02-16 13:09"[]

Around that time, I heard the unmistakable sound of my dog barking. I realized I could use that noise as a frame of reference, and I thought I had finally found my dog. I followed the sound until it led to a clearing. When I entered it, I could see my dog sitting next to an old tree stump, staring at me like it had before in the hallway. I inched towards it carefully, as to not cause it to dash away again. I was about to reach out to get a hold of its collar when it fucking happened.

"2007-02-16 13:22"[]

My dog went into a sort of "ready to pounce" position, and looked fucking vicious. I didn't really know what to think. Then it attacked. I was so startled, I stumbled and fell to the ground, thinking I had luckily dodged the pounce. Looking up from the ground, however, I realized I had NOT dodged it. Rather, my "dog" had leaped CLEAR OVER MY STANDING HEIGHT; it was headed straight into the trees. I looked on in horror as it landed on a tree branch, like a fucking pro. It was at that exact moment that I was able to fully comprehend my situation. I wasn't dealing with my runaway dog here. I was dealing with a tree dog. In that same instant, my brain made the decision to run for my fucking life. I didn't want to be another tree dog victim, dying at the hands of such an unspeakably grotesque monster. I started running as fast as I could, in some arbitrary direction. I didn't care where I was headed, as long as it was away from that noise, the noise of tree dog paw landing against tree branch. That noise was growing louder and louder, and I knew my time was up. I had given up at that point. There was no way I could outrun or outmaneuver a tree dog on its home turf. Being a fan of paranormal photographs, I quickly removed the camera from my jeans pocket and tried to snap a shot as best as I could manage. It must have been the flash. The creature fell from the trees like a dead weight and landed on the ground. I took the opportunity to run like hell back to the house, lock the doors, and crawl into bed. I didn't sleep that night, and I never stepped a foot past my back porch ever again.