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Popular Culture

Sir Wilfrid Laurier was a Canadian lawyer, newspaperman, and politician the seventh Prime Minister of Canada, and the first of French background, serving from 1896-1911.[1]

While a newspaper editor in the 1860's, Laurier opposed Confederation, though accepted it after the fact in order to protect the rights of French Canadians. After being elected to the Quebec legislature in 1871, Laurier won election to a federal riding, joining Alexander Mackenzie's caucus in the wake of the Pacific Scandal and the defeat of Sir John A. Macdonald.[2]

Laurier used the deeds of Louis Riel for political gain, both following the Red River Rebellion[2] and the North-West Rebellion.[2][1] After his resignation, Edward Blake picked Laurier to succeed him. After Macdonald's death in 1891, four consecutive Conservative Prime Ministers, Sir John Abbott, Sir John Thompson, Sir Mackenzie Bowell, and Sir Charles Tupper used the years that Macdonald had won them. Laurier, whose status had risen in the intervening years, won the election.

Popular Culture[]



The following list is of explicit appearances of Sir Wilfrid Laurier.

Year Name Appearance Notes
1966 Sir Wilfrid Laurier
  • Reluctant Nation, CBC Television miniseries
2007 Wilfrid Laurier
  • Supporting character.
2010 Sir Wilfrid Laurier
2011 - present Sir Wilfrid Laurier
  • Murdoch Mysteries, episodes "Confederate Treasure", "24 Hours Til Doomsday", "The Trial of Terrence Meyers"
2019 Sir Wilfrid Laurier
  • 2K Games, Civilization 6


Year Name Appearance Notes
1902 Sir Wilfrid Laurier
  • Looking Forward: The Strange Experience of the Rev. Fergus McCheyne, author Hugh Pedley
  • A book set 25 years into the future from the date of publication. Laurier is mentioned by character McCheyne, who inquires whether he is still Prime Minister, which he no longer is.
  • Laurier still lives in the book's version of 1927, while in reality he died in 1919.
  • Teddy Roosevelt is also mentioned.
1917 Wilfrid Laurier
  • Old Man Savarin Stories: Tales of Canada and Canadians, "Boss of the World", author E. W. Thomson
  • Adam Bemis, inventor, speculates whether or not to give away his invention, the Odistor, lamenting that Laurier was not in power, nor would he keep it if he were to return to it.
  • Woodrow Wilson, Lord Kitchener, Kaiser Wilhelm II, and Guglielmo Marconi, are also mentioned.
2004 Wilfrid Laurier
2011 Sir Wilfrid Laurier
  • "The Story of Sir Wilfrid Laurier" & "Who's That on the Five Dollar Bill", Back on the Porch
  • From the Tales Tall & True album, classed as children's music on iTunes.
  • Sir John A. Macdonald also features in two songs on the album.
2013 Sir Wilfrid Laurier
  • "Jig: Sir Wilfrid Laurier / Epilogue: Take Me Back to That Snug Green Cove", Heather Taves
  • This instrumental song is part of the East Coast Suite album.
2016 Sir Wilfrid Laurier
  • Murdoch Mysteries, episode "The Big Chill"
  • His photograph appears in a presentation given by Captain Joseph-Elzéar Bernier.



  1. 1.0 1.1 Sir Wilfrid Laurier - Jacques Monet - Encyclopaedia Britannica
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 LAURIER, Sir WILFRID (baptized Henry-Charles-Wilfrid) - Réal Bélanger - Accessed 23 August 2020 - Dictionary of Canadian Biography, vol. 14
  3. Jack Creley - IMDB
  4. Confederate Treasure - IMDB
  5. 24 Hours Til Doomsday - IMDB
  6. The Trial of Terrence Meyers - IMDB
  7. Brian Paul - IMDB
  8. Civilization VI - IMDB
  9. Alain E. Cadieux - IMDB
  10. Richard Tatum - IMDB


           Heraldic mark of the Prime Minister of Canada Prime Ministers of Canada

19th century
Sir John A. Macdonald | Alexander Mackenzie | Sir John A. Macdonald | Sir John Abbott | Sir John Thompson | Sir Charles Tupper | Sir Wilfrid Laurier

20th century
Sir Wilfrid Laurier | Sir Robert Borden | Arthur Meighen | William Lyon Mackenzie King | Arthur Meighen | William Lyon Mackenzie King | R. B. Bennett | William Lyon Mackenzie King | Louis St. Laurent | John Diefenbaker | Lester B. Pearson | Pierre Elliott Trudeau | Joe Clark | Pierre Elliott Trudeau | John Turner | Brian Mulroney | Kim Campbell | Jean Chrétien

21st century
Jean Chrétien | Paul Martin | Stephen Harper | Justin Trudeau
