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Popular Culture

William McKinley (29th January 1843 - 14th September 1901) was the 25th President of the United States.

Popular Culture[]



Year Name Appearance Notes
2014 President William McKinley
  • Murdoch Mysteries, episode "The Spy Who Came Up from the Cold"
  • McKinley's assassination by Leon Czolgosz is depicted in the episode.
  • Portrayed by Brent Crawford.[1][2]
  • Sir Wilfrid Laurier is mentioned in the episode.


Year Name Appearance Notes
2012 President William McKinley
  • Murdoch Mysteries, episode "The War on Terror"
  • McKinley's assassination is mentioned throughout the episode, as characters William Murdoch and Terrence Meyers attempt to solve a bombing allegedly involving anarchists and dealing with the interference of the American spy Allen Clegg.
  • McKinley's eventual death is implied to have been the result of a conspiracy by Clegg and unspecified people within the American government, in an apparent pastiche of the Kennedy assassination.




           Seal of the President of the United States Presidents of the United States

18th century
George Washington | John Adams

19th century
John Adams | Thomas Jefferson | James Madison | James Monroe | John Quincy Adams | Andrew Jackson | Martin van Buren | William Henry Harrison | John Tyler | James K. Polk | Zachary Taylor | Millard Fillmore | Franklin Pierce | James Buchanan | Abraham Lincoln | Andrew Johnson | Ulysses S. Grant | Rutherford B. Hayes | James Garfield | Chester A. Arthur | Grover Cleveland | Benjamin Harrison | Grover Cleveland | William McKinley

20th century
William McKinley | Theodore Roosevelt | William Howard Taft | Woodrow Wilson | Warren G. Harding | Calvin Coolidge | Herbert Hoover | Franklin D. Roosevelt | Harry Truman | Dwight D. Eisenhower | John F. Kennedy | Lyndon B. Johnson | Richard Nixon | Gerald Ford | Jimmy Carter | Ronald Reagan | George H. W. Bush | Bill Clinton

21st century
Bill Clinton | George W. Bush | Barack Obama | Donald Trump | Joe Biden | Donald Trump
