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Zantoro was a Human from the Zombie Multiverse, a member of an elite SWAT team called in to handle hostage situations. He and his squad mates were soon deployed to deal with an apocalyptic situation starting in Papua New Guinea.



When asked whether he could pilot a Zodiac, Zantoro stated that he was "practically born on a fishing boat". (FILM: Hell of the Living Dead)

Embassy Rescue[]

While Operation Sweet Death was undergoing a catastrophic malfunction, Zantoro and his team mates were in Italy, dealing with a hostage situation at the American embassy.

Mike London laid out the plan - Zantoro and Osborne would break in and make their way up the building, while he and Vincent would make a surprise entrance from the roof.


Behind the Scenes[]

  • Zantoro was portrayed by Italian actor Franco Garofalo, credited as "Frank Garfield".[1][2]


  • The character reappeared in dubbed over footage in the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic exploitation film "Corona Zombies", renamed as "Argento".



  1. Hell of the Living Dead - IMDB - Retrieved 1 March 2021
  2. Franco Garofalo - IMDB - Retrieved 1 March 2021



Major Characters
Lia Rousseau | Zantoro | Lieutenant Mike London | Vincent | Max | Osborne | Professor Barrett
Minor Characters
Terrorist Leader | Technician Lawson | Technician Fowler | Josie | Josie's Husband | Josie's Son | Farrara | Anthony | Coroner on TV | Zombie Priest | Man in Bar | Woman in Bar | Zombie in Park | Rat

Flag of Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea
Flag of Eastern Highlands Eastern Highlands
Burial Ground | Hope Center | Mission | Village
Flag of NCD National Capital District
Flag of Port Moresby Port Moresby
Flag of Spain (1977–1981) Spain
Flag of Catalonia Catalonia
U.S. Consulate General BarcelonaBandera de Barcelona de 2 barres Barcelona

Other Aspects
Operation Sweet Death

Soundtrack | Claudio Fragasso
