SuperEpicFailpedia Wiki

–the Zombified Pierre Trudeau, when asked about voter concerns of his status as a reanimated corpse

Pierre Elliott Trudeau was a Canadian politician and Prime Minister in life. Sometime after his death, Trudeau rose from the dead and chose to return to politics.



On 6 April 2013, Trudeau led a small group of zombified humans to the Metro Toronto Convention Center, attempting to enter the premises to disrupt the National Showcase event. They were refused entry, forcing Trudeau to speak in the street.[1]


Behind the Scenes[]

  • Canadian satirist Res Krebs and wife Suzanne Gallant planned the stunt for months before placing an ad on Craigslist.[2][3]


  1. Zombie Pierre Trudeau protests the Liberal Party - Toronto Grand Prix Tourist, April 6th, 2013
  2. Zombie Pierre Trudeau Set To Hijack Liberal Leadership Showcase - Althia Raj, Huffington Post, April 1st, 2013
  3. Res Kreb's Craigslist ad (link dead)